
Is the accomodation furnished?

Most of the living spaces offered by housing corporations are unfurnished and do not include the flooring curtains, ceiling lights or kitchen aplliances. Keep in mind dat you usually have to buy everything.

Who can I contact with my questions about accomodation from the housing corporations?

If you have any questions about the Maastricht Housing website, please contact us. Do you have substantive questions about the advertisement, the corporations and the rent, please contact the corporation directly.


What is the difference between the former and the corporations'new booking method?

Untill October 1,2024, you began to accrue enrollement time when you joined our website as a student. The longer you were registered, the more chance you had of getting the room you wanted from one of the three housing corporations. As of October 1, 2024 Maasvallei, Woonpunt & Servatius have launched a new concept for renting out housing. That  is, student rooms and housing will be offered to you through Maastricht Housing according to a 'first come, first serve' policy. Registration time at Maastricht Housing will no longer be applicable.

Why are the corporations moving away from student subscription time?

All students will be able respond to any property in any neighbourhood provided it is available in the desired timeframe. You will no longer need to build up registration time. With this adjustment, the housing corporations hope to better meet the wishes of students: all students have equal opportunity to obtain accomodation from a housing corporation.

What happens to my accumulated registration time?

If you applied to an offer before 1 October 2024, these subscription rounds will be completed. Starting 1 October subscription rounds no longer apply. You can immediately start responding to corporation housing.

Do I need to register with Maastricht Housing to book accomodation?

All advertisements on Maastricht Housing are visible to everyone. Would you like to respond to a property? Then you will have to register first. You can register immediately here.

Which documents do I need to be able to book accomodation?

To book a corporation room,you must upload a  proof of registration (BvI) and provide your bank details. You can do all this in your 'My Housing'account.

What is the difference between booking a room or reserving a room?

When you book a room you will not get the opportunity to view the room before agreeing to the rental contract. When you choose to reserve the room, you will first have 48 hours to view the room before signing a rental contract.

I don't get the option to book a room through the system?

Check your details in your 'My Housing'account. Did you upload your proof of registration, and did you provide your bank details? If the answer to both questions is yes then it could be possible that you might have already applied for this property. If these 3 issues do not apply, then please contact us.

Can I apply for several rooms at once?

You can only apply for one room at a time. Did you already reserve a room and you see another room that seems more interesting to you? Then your first reservation will be cancelled. Please note that you will not be able to reserve the same room again.

I don't have a proof of registration (BvI) yet; can I still book a room?

At the beginning of the academic year, every student receives a BvI. If you have not received it, you can request it from the information desk of the Student Service Centre via:

What happens if I book a room?

When you book a room, you will immediately be shown the lease and you will be able to sign it. After signing, you will receive a confirmation email and will be asked to transfer the first month's rent. Once the payment is processed, the property is basically yours and the housing corporation will contact you within 48 hours for further instructions. Note that the housing corporation does a final check and has the right to reject the application if something is wrong.

What happens if I reserve a room?

When you choose to reserve a room, you are immediately directed to a countdown screen and given 48 hours to view the property. Within these 48 hours, you have to make an appointment with the current tenant to view the property and it is also important that you then take action to book the property. If you do not do this, the reservation and the possibility to respond to this property again will be cancelled.

When is my booking definite?

The booking is definite when payment is received, and you have received confirmation from the housing corporation.

The housing corporation has rejected my booking, how is that possible?

If your booking has been rejected, it could be because you have not uploaded the correct documents. Please contact the housing corporation for further information.

I accidentally deleted my reservation; can I book the accomodation again?

Once your reservation has been cancelled or deleted, it is not possible to book or reserve the same accommodation again.

How do I know when there are accomodations available online?

In your 'My Housing' account, you can set up a 'search profile'. Here you can specify your wishes. When an accommodation comes online that meets your requirements, you will receive an email, so you know the accommodation came online. Is your accomodation already reserved? You can choose to save it in your favourites. If the accomodation is placed online again, you will be notified by email.

I already uploaded my proof of registration (BvI) last year, but I still cannot apply for a property. How is that possible?

During your studies, you will receive a new BvI every year. It is therefore also important that this BvI is up to date when you want to respond to an advertisement.

Practical matters

What is the minimum period of tenancy?

The minimum tenancy duration for a housing corporation property is 1 month. For further questions, please contact the relecant housing corporation.

What is the maximum period of tenancy?

As long as you are a student at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Maastricht University or the Jan van Eyck Academy and you are not older than 27 years at the time of booking, you can continue to rent from the housing corporation.

Am I entitled to rent allowance if I rent an accommodation from a housing corporation?

Rent allowance is a contribution to the rent costs from the Dutch Tax Administration. Whether you qualify for it depends on your income and the rent, among other things. Many rooms are designated by the government for rent allowance. Go to for more information.

Is there a regulation for people with disabilities?

If you believe you should receive preferential treatment at Maastricht Housing for medical reasons, please contact the University's Disability Support Office at They will contact Maastricht Housing after checking the supporting documents. We ask you to go through the registration procedure and create a Maastricht Housing account in advance.

What is the notice period for housing corporations?

If you want to terminate your contract, you need to contact the housing corporation; this is not done via Maastricht Housing.

I want to nominate someone for my room. How do I do that?

The moment you terminate your rental agreement, you can propose someone as a new tenant immediately. The housing corporations will then decide whether this student will be accepted. Maastricht Housing is not involved in this process.


  • A nomination is only possible with rooms!
  • The person nominated must have an account with Maastricht Housing and hold a (provisional) proof of registration (BvI).